West Orange - 1872 Map Part 1

The 1872 map shows where General George McClellan built his home. The information comes from The History of the Oranges, Volume 3.

"In 1863, the name of the township of Fairmount was officially changed to West Orange. Dr. Edgar E. Marcy purchased two hundred acres of unbroken forest from Daniel C. Otis, in 1860, and proceeded to develop his tract, one of the most rugged on the mountain, and possessing a wealth of natural scenery. The tract, bounded by the ridge, Northfield road, Mount Pleasant avenue and Perry lane, was soon going through a course of pruning.

"Dr. Marcy, while building his home, cleared the frontage on the ridge of trees, thus providing an unobstructed view of the outlying territory extending to the great metropolis. General Randolph B. Marcy, brother of Dr. Marcy, and father-in-law of General George B. McClellan, had served as the latter's chief of staff during the time he commanded the Army of the Potomac. Seeking a place of quiet, General Marcy was soon building his home a few rods from his brother's. General McClellan occupied his home, "Maywood," in 1864, followed by John Crosby Brown and others. The Mountain Ridge road was laid out by Dr. Marcy, connecting Northfield avenue and Mount Pleasant avenue. The owners of these mountain homes enjoyed freedom from crowding, the estates, for such they really were, running back to Perry lane. This colony of famous people became very popular after the Civil War and during the summer months there was a great deal of entertaining. General McClellan was very much sought while in residence and of easy approach by the natives. Seated on his charger, "Daniel Webster," as he exercised along the mountain roads, he became a part of the very environment."

The national election of 1864 was of more than passing interest for local voters. General George B. McClellan, commander of the Army of the Potomac until sacked by President Lincoln, was a resident of West Orange. When he was nominated by the Democrats to run for the Presidency against Lincoln, a delegation of local partisans marched up to his home on Mountain Ridge to greet “Little Mac.” East Orange, however, was staunchly Union, and Republican. It gave Lincoln 354 votes to 109 for neighbor McClellan. This despite the fact that New Jersey was one of the three Northern states to go for McClellan.

Biography of General George B. McClellan

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